The International Solidarity Fund

HOAC is developing since 1991 this initiative, which is the expression of our labor consciousness as christians.

Through those years, the International Solidarity Fund (ISF) has supported and founded more than 150 projects in Africa, Asia and South America.


The ISF aim has a double sense: to make known the situation in which the workers of the countries of the South find themselves and to obtain funds for their training and promotion.

We understand the training as the fundamental tool to achieve the protagonism and promotion of the most impoverished people and groups, understanding this tool as the development of the social dimension of the Christian faith and leads them to commit to transform their reality.

This fund is an initiative that does not intend to enter into competition with other existing aids and promotion to the countries of the South.

The HOAC wants to do it from its specificity, contributing to the formation of militant Christian workers.

The dependency relationship, from which the international order is established, where the domination and wealth of some countries is based on the increasing dependence and poverty of others, and the social and economic injustice that, with the globalization of pure capitalism and hard, they only increase, they are generating the impoverishment of hundreds of millions of people. In this situation Christians have much to say and to contribute. The whole Church feels challenged and, together with other forces, we must put conditions that help to preserve the sacred gift of the lives of people, so unjustly and inhumanely treated by this system.

Political charity is the only possible way to restore hope to those without hope. The world of workers at the international level suffers every day greater economic, political and cultural aggression, especially in the most impoverished countries.

Assuming the Solidarity Fund supposes:

  • A work of awareness and diffusion of the Fund and the concrete projects.
    Make our solidarity contribution and invite other people to participate in the Fund.
    To make known the situation in which the workers of the countries of the South are located.
  • Promote awareness of the need for effective support to popular organizations and workers of the countries of the South.


Most of the contributions are made by the militants and dioceses, as well as some ecclesial institution.

Revenue can be made in any of the following bank accounts:

  • BBVA | IBAN ES51-0182-2458-14-0206962822 • BIC BBVAESMM
  • TRIODOS | IBAN ES77-1491-0001-20-2017312618 • BIC TRIOESMMXXX

For more information:, tel. 91 701 40 86.

The Fund has a permanent character. Contributions can be sent throughout the year and, at the same time, the projects that are being presented are being answered.

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